Her own mother was a famous critic. Then, surprise! Her mother-in-law was not.

As someone who also had a—hmmm, how can I phrase this—critique-spirited mom, this story just makes me smile. In the book it’s titled “Starting with like, ending with love.” In the book it’s titled “Starting with like, ending with love.” Celebrating Mother's Day for all of mothers.

Looking ahead to Mother’s Day, The Good, the Bad, the Mother-in-Law is a great gift for an assortment of “moms” – moms-to-be, new moms, new grandmas, and of course, mothers-in-laws. Enjoy! ) Between now and the end of May, we’re offering a special discount — $9.95 plus shipping — when ordered direct from the publisher. Check out Buy the Book for a link to the publisher’s site. Use redemption code of MOM.

Nothing like a wry sense of huumor to make the mother-in-law job a fun one!

Nothing like a wry sense of huumor to make the mother-in-law job a fun one!


Celebrating mothers-in-law, who were once mothers too!


When you have grandchildren, a mother-in-law’s discretionary time can be filled with so much joy!